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INIRE is a group delivering audiovisual stage performances, installations and projects about sound and image. INIRE productions are created using multiple sensory channels by electronic and electroacoustic instruments, samplers, analogue synthesizers, modular systems, both audio and video. The main focus of INIRE’s activity is perception, interaction and convergence of sound and image.
2023 Mimeting as Well as Worlding
2022 Three Movements
2021 Rhizome
2020 re-drawing lines of perception
2019 Time is what keeps the light from reaching us
2018 Drifting down and up the meaning
2017 Transcape disturbances
2016 Labirynt (with Fabrizio Casti)
2015 2 3 5 & 2 5 7
2014 Le corps sans qualites
2013 Subsensorial transmission
2013 Mémoire obsolète
2012 Shipwreck score
2011 re-membering re-called
2011 Dante's Songs 2.011
2010 chopintimacy
2010 Dante's Songs
2009 Atalanta Fugiens
2007 Traces
2004 Septem Sermones ad Mortuos
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